How Much Humidity Do Chameleons Need?
A chameleon needs many things in its enclosure to stay healthy. One of the things that they need is the right level of humidity. Humidity is very important to the health of the chameleons. How much humidity do chameleons need? There are many species of chameleon that exist. Some live in the desert region and…
How Many Crickets To Feed A Chameleon?
Chameleons are a great pet to have around. To keep them healthy, these reptiles need to be fed the proper amount of food. When it comes to crickets, these insects make up the bulk of their diet. Since it’s one of their staple food, you may wonder how many crickets to feed your chameleon. In…
Why Do Chameleons Curl Their Tails?
Chameleons are an interesting creature to have as a pet. Besides their skin changing into different colors, you may wonder about their tail. Most animals have tails that are straight, but chameleons are different. These animals have tails that curls. So, why do chameleons curl their tails? Chameleons will curl their tails for several different…
Can Chameleons Eat Apples?
Apples are the most popular fruit in the world. This fruit is known for its sweet taste and packed with nutrition. For humans, apples make a great snack to eat. If you have a chameleon, you may wonder if you can give them apples as well. So, can chameleons eat apples? Yes, chameleons can eat…
Do Chameleons Need Calcium?
All living creatures need vitamins and minerals to survive. When it comes to chameleons, they too require them to stay healthy and strong. One particular mineral that’s important for many animals is calcium, but do chameleons need calcium as well? So, do chameleons need calcium? Yes, the chameleon needs calcium in its diet each day.…
Why Do Chameleons Hiss? 6 Reasons Why
Having a pet chameleon comes with many surprises. From time to time, you may notice they puff up and hiss. This will come as a surprise if it’s your first time seeing it. You may be wondering why your chameleon is hissing. So, why do chameleons hiss? Chameleons may hiss if they are angry, scared,…
How Long Do Chameleons Sleep?
All animals need to sleep. Sleeping helps the body recover from daily activities. Some animals sleep just a couple of hours a day while others needing a lot of sleep. As for chameleons, how long do they sleep? How long do chameleons sleep? How long a chameleon sleep will depend on the species, their age,…
Can Chameleons Eat Grapes? Too Much Can Be Bad
Chameleon is a great pet to have around. They are a very interesting creature to keep. When it comes to food, there is food that they can eat and some they are not allowed to eat. As for grapes, can you feed your chameleon this fruit? Yes, chameleons can eat grapes, but only an occasional…